Born on June 10 in Ornans.
Moved to Paris.
Romantic period.
Le Désespéré (The Desperate Man), self-portrait.
Moved closer to Baudelaire and the Realism movement.
Sent Une après-dînée à Ornans (After Dinner at Ornans) to the Salon.
Un enterrement à Ornans.
(A Burial At Ornans)
L’Atelier du peintre (The Painter’s Studio) was rejected by the Salon.
Founded the Pavilion of Realism.
La Femme aux bas blancs.
(The Woman with White Stockings)
Seascapes in Trouville.
L’Origine du monde (The Origin of the World) and Le Sommeil (The Sleepers), painted for Khalil-Bey.
Elected President of the Arts Commission after the fall of the Empire.
Elected to the Paris Commune.
Arrested after the toppling of the Vendôme Column, and imprisoned in Sainte-Pélagie, Paris, for six months, until March 1872.
Fled to Switzerland on July 23, and in December settled in La Tour-de-Peilz, at Pension Bellevue (until 1875).
Coucher de soleil sur le Léman (Sunset on Lake Geneva).
Bords du lac Léman (The Shore of Lake Geneva).
Took part in the Turnus exhibition in Lausanne.
La Liberté (Liberty).
Moved to Bon Port.
La Mouette du Lac Léman, poésie (The Gull of Lake Geneva).
Took part in the Turnus exhibition in Lausanne.
Grand Panorama des Alpes, les Dents du Midi
(Grand Panorama of the Alps with the Dent du Midi).
Died, aged 58, from dropsy at six o’clock in the morning on December 31.